Snow Goose E-Caller MP3 Download – White Clouds



About The Track

White Clouds is a track packed full of active calling. If you’ve spent time at the refuge or listened to an active feed you hear quite a bit of what this track’s about. Definitely an attention-getter and has sound that will carry!

Duration: 10:20

Sound Sample

High-quality snow goose e-caller sounds created from my own recordings of 100% WILD SNOW GEESE in their natural spring migratory habitat. The sounds were recorded from geese acting naturally, completely unaware of any human presence.

All of the Snows Down Low snow goose e-caller sounds are 2-channel stereo featuring left and right channel individual calling geese with a centered up main sound bringing it all together. Snows Down Low snow goose e-caller sounds are natural recordings that accurately capture the calls and cadences of WILD SNOW GEESE in their natural migratory habitat behaving and sounding like snow geese do.

**NOTICE to iOS Users** Due to the way iOS devices are configured from Apple for security purposes we are unable to officially offer support for MP3 downloads directly to your device. However we’re glad to offer a free iOS app called Hunt Snows which allows you to access the e-caller sounds directly on your iOS device, and play them in an easy-to-use interface designed for snow goose hunters. Additional advanced features are available in the app as well! We hope you’ll check out Hunt Snows, and thank you for your understanding.


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